Friday, November 18, 2005

Wolf's First Wisdom

Here's my first little wisdom:
In life, a cancerian meets many obstacles.
And often, he'll get screwed over from every side.
But it isn't all bad, just remember that every cloud has a silver lining.

You're going to prison, and your cellmate is the biggest, nastiest, toughest, meanest S.O.B. you've ever encountered.
Silver lining:
On your first night in prison (and during just about every time you shower) you find out that someone loves you.
(Even if not in a way you'd actually like.)

History hates you, so much that you'll never become famous.
Silver lining:
Sure, you won't get a chance to share your big discovery with anyone, but they can't change the fact that you're the first person to have discovered a new kind of fist-sized, highly intelligent, sentient, flesh-eating bacteria that reproduces like snails do, only at about 1000 times as fast.

During life, you never managed to gather a large following of fans.
Silver lining:
You will have billions of people celebrating on one special day - your funeral.

Those are some little wisdoms to cheer up the average cancerian.