Monday, December 18, 2006

Good things come in small packages...

It's been a while since I posted anything here.
The reason is simple:
I've been busier than Liberace would have been in the Vatican.
But I've got a few seconds now, and some inspiration.
It's been a while since I had both at the same time.
But hey, let's get on with today's little wisdom...

Good things come in small packages.
Today I got a large package from two friends.
But it contained several smaller packages.
And those smaller packages contained things that touched me deeply.
And I don't mean in a "catholic priest visits a school"-kinda way...
No, no no no.... I mean that in a good way.
A great way.
A speshul way...
Some of the things brought back some special memories.
Some others were just hitting a special string.
All of it was good.

Now, I know that not all those who spend their "lives" behind a computer may have such close friends (or any friends at all, for that matter... hey, you're sitting here reading a crappy blog...) so I'll try and translate this wisdom to their (or your) situation.
I could use one of my older wisdoms about the test of manliness, but I'd rather use the example of the big, hard turd that won't budge for other purposes.
So, let's try this for size;
Let's say, someone sends you two packages.
One giant package, and one small one.
You open the giant one, and out comes this big black violent mofo who beats the living crap out of you, then brutally proves to you that it's true what they say about black men...
Trust me, not being able to sit down for months, is NOT a good thing.
After this ordeal, you somehow manage to turn back time... or you just repress the memory about being taken up the butt by a man who's hung like a churchtower...
Whichever the case, now you open the smaller package...
Out jumps this tiny Japanese guy.... he karate-chops the living crap out of you and brutally proves to you that it's true what they say about gnomes -- ewp, sorry, I meant Asian men...
Now, wouldn't that be a lot better than what the black guy in this example did to you?
Point made, enough said...