Thursday, July 02, 2009

Beauty, energy...

This is a wisdom I've been considering, contemplating and seeing as true for quite a long time now.
Here goes:

Those who are unable to see beauty, are unable to see energy.
Beauty is energy.
Everything, from the solid to the abstract, is a manifestation of energy in whatever form.
To see, feel or otherwise sense the beauty of something merely means that you are so attuned to that energy form that in a way it manages to "call out" to whatever sense of yours that energy managed to be sensed by.
And in that moment of realization, that moment of the sense picking up on the energy and you knowing what it is and that it is good, in that moment you conceive it to be beauty.
That moment can last a fraction of a tenth of a second, it can last a lifetime, the length matters not in this context.
And the beauty can be that of a woman who catches your eye, the composition and flow of a sound, the mathematics behind a complex but flawless formula...

On a sidenote that's still so relevant that it could just be an intregral note to this wisdom, I can also add that beauty comes in many shapes, sizes and forms.

And to wrap everything in this post up, I'll point out that beauty, as concept, is universal.
It is not bound to time or space, if there is life there is the concept of beauty.
So, beauty might very well be one of the purest forms of energy that exists beyond the purest, prime energy from which all energy transfers to other forms.

A brand-spanking-new wisdom...

Well, that title shouldn't be taken too seriously.
The wisdom I'm posting here isn't brand-spanking-new, just something that I discussed with someone recently while it's been a valid wisdom for much, much longer.
It's about gay people, from a man's perspective.
Here goes...

Homophobes got it all wrong.
There is no more reason to fear gay men then there is to fear men who like blondes, men who like brunettes, men who like redheads...
If you judge men as being abominations because they like other men, you might as well do the same towards men who like women with a different haircolor or bodytype than what you'd like.
So unless you're about to get violated by another man, against your will, quit calling homosexuality a sin.
Especially if you only apply that view to the male side of homosexuals, while drooling over the females that prefer other females.
Homosexuality is no more a sin than it is to eat with your left hand holding the spoon or fork.

Speaking of sin, if you're one of those bible-thumpers:
Yes, Christ died for our sins.
Does that not make his death a death in vain if we stopped sinning?
Don't get me wrong, there are sins that even I'd love to see banned from existence, but to say that we must stop sinning even the smallest, lightest sins is to say that you want Christ to have died for nothing.
So go ahead, sin a little, live a little, long as it harms none it's a celebration of the sacrifice Christ put up so we could live our lives.
If he did, and if he was who the bible claims he was.
There aren't too many people around anymore who are old enough to give a first-hand account of Christ's story.

And since I'm in the mood, I'm going for a triple:
Isn't it funny how all these religions agree on one thing?
That their paper book is the true word of the only real god(s)?
A piece of paper with words, printed by men who weren't even around when the originals were written...
Isn't it funny how that collection of paper and ink is the word of every "one and only true god", yet the world and life that this deity created can be fucked up by everyone for mere words?
So excuse me for not being too big a fan of ANY religion... bunch of numbnuts and weirdo's.

Friday, May 08, 2009


Not really a wisdom, just something I wanted to share with the world... this is one of my favorite images.
But if I have to put some wisdom in it, here goes:
I don't care who or what you are, or where you live.
If you can't see the beauty of two women such as Bianca Beauchamp and Masuimi Max, either combined or individually, then you're not worth being pissed on if you were on fire.
Oh, and click on the image to see the full-sized version.
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